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Mental Health Support - Useful links - England, UK


Mental health

        Advice and support for people living with anxiety. 

         A non-profit organisation dedicated to helping individuals and                     companies recognise and reduce stress.

  • Hearing Voices Network:
    Information and support for people who hear voices or have other unshared perceptions, including local support groups.

  • Mental health App: Headspace 

Domestic violence

Help for men



  • Bereavement Advice Centre: 0800 634 9494 (9am – 5pm, Monday – Friday). Supports bereaved people on a range of practical issues.

  • Bereavement Trust: 0800 435 455 - Helpline for people who are experiencing bereavement.

  • Cruse Bereavement Care: 0808 808 1677 Charity providing information and support after someone has died.

  • Child Bereavement UK: Helpline: 0800 028 8840 Supports families and provides training to professionals both when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying, or when a child is facing bereavement.

  • Child Death Helpline: 0800 282 986 Helpline for anyone affected by the death of a child of any age, from prebirth to adult.

  • Lullaby Trust: 0808 802 6868 Provides support for bereaved families and anyone affected by a sudden infant death.

  • Winston’s Wish: 08088 020021 Giving hope to grieving children.

Young people

  • No Limits: 023 8022 4224. Their Advice Centre is at 13 High Street Southampton, SO14 2DF. All services are confidential and free to children and young people under 26 who live in Southampton and Hampshire.

  • Papyrus / 0800 068 41 41 / 07860039967 (text) / Confidential support for under-35s at risk of suicide and others who are concerned about them. Open 24/7.

  • Young Minds: Text: 85258, Parents Helpline: 0808 802 5544. A national charity specifically fighting for children and young people’s mental health.

  • Frank: 0300 123 6600 Comprehensive information about recreational drugs, and free 24-hour helpline.

  • Hope Again: / 0808 808 1677For 11-18 year olds living after loss.

Older people

  • The Silver Line: 0800 470 8090 - a free confidential helpline providing information, friendship and advice to older people, open 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

  • Age UK (England): 0800 055 6112 (8am–7pm, 365 days a year). Information and support for older people, including advice on housing

Marriage and relationships

Eating disorders


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Counselling y Psicoterapeuta Integrativa

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Gina Alpe, psicoterapeuta integradora de Therapy of Being, ofrece counselling y psicoterapia integrativa profesional para adultos mayores de 18 años. Ofrece counselling precencial en Southampton, Reino Unido, y sesiones de terapia en línea disponibles a nivel nacional e internacional. Especializada en asesoramiento para la ansiedad, terapia humanista, terapia psicodinámica, psicoterapia integrativa, Sesiones de terapia online en el Reino Unido, Sesiones de terapia online en español,  Terapia precencial en persona en Southampton, terapia para depresión, terapia para trauma, psicoterapia relacional, terapia en español, Terapia de salud mental en Southampton, psicoterapeuta calificada, terapia para baja autoestima, Tratamiento de ataques de pánico, psicoterapia para la depresión, terapia para animo bajo, terapia para ideación suicida, terapia para manejo de la ira, cuestiones familiares y culturales, terapia para baja autoconfianza, dificultades laborales y profesionales,  terapia para bullying, terapia para problemas de salud, sexualidad, psicoterapia sobre cuestiones de género e identidad , terapia para migrantes y expatriados
psicoterapia para temas de neurodiversidad, terapia para pérdida y duelo.

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